Shaun DeSouza, aka @caffeinashaun, is our Betty of the Week! Shaun started at our flagship @urbanbettysalon location in February of 2020 and plans on going to cosmetology school this year!


Fun facts about Shaun:


  1. What did you want to be when you grew up? “Where do I start? Lol! Astronaut, jet pilot, paleontologist, musician, video game developer, composer, psychologist, barista? I kind of wish I could do everything, to be honest.”
  2. Where did you grow up? “I grew up in Southern California, but Austin definitely feels more like home.”
  3. What are your hobbies? “I like playing games in my spare time. With the current pandemic situation, it’s a nice way to safely feel like you’re still somewhat connected to the world!”
  4. What is something you are good at? “I’m really good at breaking things down into easier to understand pieces and making otherwise complex concepts seem simple. I also regularly challenge myself to understand perspectives that directly contradict my own. I think empathy is extremely underrated.”
  5. Anything else? “My grandmother moved here from Brazil and has done hair for over 50 years. I’m working on learning Portuguese and finding a cosmetology school to follow in her footsteps.”

Thank you, Shaun, for bringing your energy into our salon company. You bring a different view to situations that people need for a better understanding of the world. You are also great at studying others and finding out what makes them tick and then asking lots of questions about it, thus enabling a stronger emotional connection. I admire that and am happy that you decided to join #teambetty!