Meet our Betty of the Week, Dakota Chandler (@dakota_thecatalyst)! Since joining our 38th Street @urbanbettysalon flagship location, Dakota has brought kindness, positive energy, and style. His charm and passion light up the salon, making each client feel special. His dedication to creativity makes him an essential part of our #teambetty. We’re so lucky to have him!

When and where did you graduate?
I graduated from the Aveda Institute Austin in the fall of 2021.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
Believe it or not, I wanted to be a professional dancer, thanks to my mom, who introduced me to Fred Astaire and Bob Fosse at a young age.

Where are you from?
I’m from a tiny town in Southeast Texas with a population of 2,000. During my sophomore year of high school, I begged my dad to move to a bigger city, so we moved to a (still tiny) neighboring town named Jasper, where I graduated high school.

What do you like to do outside of work?
I’m active, so I usually go hiking, biking around town, or spending time near water with friends. I love to travel too—any chance I get!

If you could be a superhero, what would your superpower be?
I think it’d be flying so I can finally quit having falling dreams—those are terrifying. OR I’d choose walking through walls… I feel like 80% of my time is spent finding building entrances.

Any side hustles or other accounts you’re a part of that you’d like to share?
No side hustles as of now! But stay tuned—I just learned how to sew!

Feel free to share anything else fun that makes you unique. 😘
I have ten siblings—five brothers and five sisters.
I’ve lived in Austin for 11 years.
I will be turning 30 this year!
My spirit animal is a baby skunk 🦨💗
I’ve been told I was a runaway prince in a past life.